Skin Cancer

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How can medical doctors help manage and prevent the diagnosis of skin cancer?

Section A: Background

What is your enquiry question about?

Although there are beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), excess exposure can be harmful to health such as skin cancer (Cancer Society of New Zealand [CANZ], 2012). Skin cancers are classified into two main groups - melanoma and keratinocyte cancers (basal and squamous cell skin cancers). The Basal and squamous cell skin cancers are by far the most common cancers of the skin. They develop from cells called keratinocytes, the most common cells in the skin. Melanoma is the most serious skin cancer, and the cause of the majority of skin cancer deaths. Diagnosing the nonmelanoma cancer and irradiance of ultraviolet-B reduces the risk of internal cancer (Grant, 2007). Ultraviolet radiations also reduced the risk of prostate cancer after the diagnosis of skin cancer (Esther de Vries et al., 2007).

What specific issue/debate/problem are you studying?

In this stud the question that how can medical doctors help manage and prevent the diagnosis of skin cancer is answered specifically.

Why is it important to study this specific issue/debate/problem?

Housman et al., (2003) found that among the treatments of Medicare population, skin cancer is the most costly of all cancer to be treated. Therefore, improvements in the diagnosis of skin cancer are crucial to be done in a cost effective way. The role of medical doctors can reduce the cost if it is found to be effective. Here the ways in which medical doctors can prevent the diagnosis are investigated for effectiveness.

Section B: Report of Enquiry Activity

What changes have you made to your enquiry question and why (if you have not changed your question at all, why?)

The first query for this study was designed to compare the effectiveness of the methods implemented by the medical doctors to prevent diagnosis of skin cancer for their effectiveness. During the literature review, the importance of epidemiology was realized that hoe epidemiology of skin cancer is effective in the practice of medical doctors. Squamous and melanoma has emerging epidemic (Glass and Hoover, 1989). Studies using epidemiology of skin cancer found the significant role of sunlight and melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer (Leiter & Garbe, 2008) and only prevention from sun light can reduce the incidence of skin cancer (Armstrong & Kricker, 2001). These useful findings using epidemiology induced the research question to have a little change.

Bearing in mind the changes (if any) you have made, what is your current enquiry question?

How can medical doctors use epidemiology to help manage and prevent the diagnosis of skin cancer?

Using a credible information source, define qualitative and quantitative modes of enquiry (in your own words; do not use quotes). Ensure that your source is referenced in-text and a full citation is supplied in the references section (at the end of this template).

Qualitative Modes on Enquiry: discussing the question of how and why includes the qualitative mode of enquiry. Discussing the responses of patients, and health care providers can be analysed to fully understand ...
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