Skills Portfolio Guidelines

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Skills Portfolio Guidelines

Skills Portfolio Guidelines

Managing Self


My company's sales force was not performing up to par and their efficiency was going down. As a result, the sales of the business were slipping and this was having a negative effect on sales volume and cash flow. One of the teams was assigned to me and I was supposed to make sure that the workers consistently performed according to their set benchmark. I learned many important things about how to be an effective leader and, with some motivation and positive reinforcement, brought about a significant change in the efficiency of the team.

Personal organization/Time management

Many employees in my office were laid off as a result of downsizing given the economic recession. In order to cope up with the downsizing, the job responsibilities of the retained employees were redefined and we were given additional duties to perform. I was assigned the additional task of ensuring that all the other employees were able to acclimate themselves with the added workload. With my time management skills and leadership skills, I made sure that the employees met the revised performance benchmarks.

Personal strengths

There was a time when my father was admitted to the hospital. My whole family was going through immense stress at that time and my condition was no different. Being the elder son in the house, I had to show my family that I was strong. Hence, I handled the stress by keeping my nerves and I coped with the situation by giving support to my mother who was really worried.

Problem Solving/Analytic

When I was in ninth grade, I was the class representative and I was entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining discipline in the classroom. There was a time when one of the students' PDAs was stolen and there was a lot of commotion in the classroom as a result. By interrogating students, I was able to learn that there was a boy who was notorious for stealing other people's things. This way, I was able to identify the culprit and request the teachers to intervene in order to retrieve the stolen thing.



I was asked to organize an event for Halloween when I was in high school. This responsibility meant that I was supposed to work with many other students who had volunteered to make arrangements for the event. Since I needed to complete the task with the help of all the other students, I had to make sure that I had their cooperation.


I have often been told by my friends that I am a good listener. When I was a class representative in ninth grade, there was a fight in the classroom and I intervened in the fight. I used effective listening skills by interviewing the two boys who were involved in the fight and asked them the motive behind their action. I eventually came to know that both the boys were interested in the same girl and the fight was their idea of settling the matter like men.

Oral communication

I remember the time when I had to ...