Skills For The Proffessional Environment

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Personal Assessment of Environment

Personal Assessment of Environment

Description of the Incident

The description of the incident is my gaining education at University and earning a degree. Studying at university was tough, time consuming and required lots of hard work and effort. Submitting work, doing homework and preparing beforehand to catch the progress of the teacher required time, effort and skills and capabilities. With each course and every new teacher, the new requirement of skills, capabilities and abilities required become diversified. Same skill like taking notes in class can be required by every teacher in a different way. It is very necessary as a student to understand the requirements of every teacher and to follow it thoroughly. Attendance, assignments and presentations, final examination all make up the final marking of the course. Usually, more than 40% marks are required to pass the course. All in all, the journey was tough but worthwhile (Bandura 1998, 89).


Studying in university and earning a degree is an achievement for me. It is the fruit of my hard work, time, effort and financial contributions. I am feeling very proud to be a passing student from the university.


The teachers conduct the evaluation of every student through attendance, marks, quality and timely submission of assignments, final thesis and presentations. If I evaluate myself, I will consider myself as a good student because I have been attending almost all classes and doing timely submissions and giving presentations with positive class behaviour.


My analysis as a student is considered as good and motivated. I am a student who wants to become a highlight of my class through my behaviour and work. After the evaluation process done by the professors, self-analysis becomes quite easy (Jung 2005, 634).


I conclude my journey of studying in University as memorable with all those classes, good time spent with mates and professors and the courses I have been able to learn along with development of necessary skills, abilities and knowledge.

Action Plan

I aim to move forward with further aim to polish my developed skills, abilities and confidence which I gained through University education. I am positively enthusiastic about starting my second year in University.

Presentation of SWOT Table


Active listener


Hard worker

Able to meet deadlines and submit timely assignments


I am unable to focus on more than five courses a semester. Five plus courses drop my quality learning.


More polished skills in the future, more developed and skilful.


Overwork due to assignments, presentations and quizzes. I am unable to concentrate on more than two assignments for a day.

Evaluation of Personal Strengths

These strengths are necessary and will help me in my second year of University. A student must be an active listener to grab everything the teacher teaches and explains about the course and its contents. Active listening helps me listen and memorize the professor's lectures quickly. Attending two and more lectures a day requires active mind and listening. Listening helps the most in developing concepts and understands the practical approach of the ...