Communication skills are defined as the skills that are used in the process by which someone transfer ideas or meanings or information in the form of letters, written or oral accompanying expressions, facial and body language, and through these means of communication, conveys these ideas to someone else and turn based to respond to this message as he understood them. (Nielsen, 2011)
It is assumed that a social worker should be able to act as social statistics, administrator and manager, to provide various social services, to help in the education of children, to carry out psychological and legal counseling and expertise, to conduct education on a variety of issues, including such as a healthy way of life, family planning, prevention of crime, etc. Among the basic requirements for professional social worker, besides the fact that it should have good training and knowledge in various areas, have relatively high general culture, to have information about the current political, economic and social processes, it must also have a degree of social fitness. He must skillfully communicate and to dispose of his “difficult” teenagers, orphans, the disabled, people who are in rehabilitation, etc.(Andreeva, 2009)
Specialist in social work is required to have a professional measure, which can cause the sympathy and confidence of the people of secrecy, to be delicate - in short, he must be able to communicate. Thus, the activities of a social worker are in constant contact with the people that is in direct contact with them. All the tasks of the social workers are resolved through communication. In the process of communicating information exchange among its members carried out both on the verbal and non-verbal levels. “The task of the social worker is to create a friendly environment, finding a suitable way of behavior and communication with the client. You need to know not only the art of conversation and the rules of communication, the psychological characteristics of people and the value of non-verbal communication, but also to possess qualities such as courtesy, friendliness, courtesy, focus on people, patience (tolerance), intuition, compassion, etc. Creating a friendly environment and the selection of the right way of behavior and communication will allow the social worker to please people and win them over to his point of view. From this and determine the effectiveness of the social worker. (Britons, 2008)
Appropriate Communication Skills
Active listening: It is one of the most important and difficult principles of whole communication process. Lack of communication suffers today is due in large part to not know how to listen to others. It is longer pending emissions themselves, and this need to communicate own misses the essence of communication, i.e., share, share with others. There is a misconception that is heard automatically, but it is not. Listening requires an effort that is more than speaking and also exerted by listening without interpreting what you hear. Active listening means to listen and understand communication from the point of view of the speaker? There are big differences. Hearing simply perceives sound ...