Sisp: Case Study

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SISP: Case Study

SISP: Case Study


So far we have analyzed the information systems in terms of information as a valuable resource of information systems that produce information of different size and structure. Now our attention is directed to the realization of strategic planning of information systems (SISP) which is the first stage of the long road leading to the construction of information systems strategically viable, user-oriented, and goal-based (King, 2000). In this paper I am going to discuss and evaluate Strategic Information Planning System in business environment. The purpose of this paper is to let leaders know about the importance of Strategic Information Planning System in business organizations. Information Systems Strategic Planning (SISP) is an important issue for managers and researchers. However, there is evidence of a gap Between SISP research and practice.

Since the information became a valuable resource for decision making in business, it has increased the importance of managing the resource seeking to satisfy the requirements needed to have at the right time for those who require it and the site where you are. Thus, many methods have been proposed regarding the SISP and information systems. Their trends are divided into three: administrative, information technology and comprehensive theories. Management techniques which have generally been developed by administrators are based on business or organizational theories. These techniques do not have much in mind the characteristics of information technology. In the administrative area is the method of critical success factors (CSFs), where managers must identify the key issues for the business boom and so then design appropriate information systems. So that, in achieving the strategic objectives of the company through good management of information there are three ways: a) develop independent systems in order to gain greater efficiencies in existing operations b) establish policies support systems to improve system planning process and c) integrate systems to create new products and new markets.

Overview of Policies and Planning Information Systems

A policy covering information systems throughout the company provides a unified and springboard for the planning process of information systems. In turn, the system plan includes policy information and establishes the basis for initiating the systems development methodology.

Different Philosophies

Generally two philosophies can be used in the way it is developed and deployed in organizations information systems. A philosophy accepts the information system as a defensive weapon tactical and operational to meet the basic requirements of data processing and various reporting obligations to help the company to stay on track and to help it survive (Kearns & Sabherwal, 2006). The information system projects are developed based on the reactions to the environment and are made by a budget.

A different philosophy in information systems information system sees as a strategic offensive weapon that can give the company a competitive advantage. This philosophy holds the view that information systems can be developed to help not only reduce costs but also to increase revenue. This philosophy is proactive and oriented to the base and the top of the organization. With any of the plans required philosophies information ...