Sir Richard Brunson

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Sir Richard Brunson

Sir Richard Branson


With the growing completion between organization and the increasing number of organizations in the international market, certain traits and techniques are becoming increasingly popular, which includes the managerial and the leadership techniques. In order to ensure that the organization is ahead of all the competitors and is performing well, the owners have to make sure that the leadership within the organization is up to the mark and effective enough to keep the organization working in proper order. In order to ensure that leadership is efficient and capable, a number of leadership models have been developed by various scholars and researches, and have been implemented in various organizations to ensure that the leadership is performing its role in the right manner. The models not only assist in evaluating the performance of leaders but also help the leaders in maintaining a better standers, by highlighting all the dos and don'ts of leadership and focusing especially on the increase in effectiveness.

The following paragraphs would focus on the Branson's leadership style in light of various models and would also highlight the other models that can be used in making the particular leadership style more effective:


Branson's Leadership Style on the basis of Leadership Models

In order to get an understanding of the Branson's Leadership Style, it is eminent to get an idea about certain basic traits of Branson's leadership. Sir Richard Branson, who is the founder and chairman of the London-Based Virgin Group Ltd, that not only marked a lifelong disregard for the conventional business wisdom by introduction his new, innovative and yet successful techniques and turning into a multi billion international conglomerate. His leadership style can be highlighted and explained using a number of various models, including the Traits Model, Theory X and Theory Y models and the Behavioral model of Leadership (Branson, 2002).

The traits Model tends to compare the characteristics of some famous leaders and then predict the effectiveness of leaders. In terms of the model, Branson is placed as one of the most successful leaders who learnt from his own mistakes and continue to thrive, despite a number of losses and drawbacks. He rejected the advices and words of his managers a number of times, just to follow his out of the box thinking and see the results. Although his projects like Virgin Pulse and Virgin Cola were a failure, there were still a number of successful projects. He believed in getting the best of best manages and treating his employees 'like human beings', thus to get the best results from them.

Likewise, the Theory X and Theory Y model deals with the assumptions of leaders about their followers and the techniques by which the followers can be motivated. Branson believed that followers have to be motivated using the efficient managers—if one can find more motivating managers, the other employees would get the required motivation from them and thus the organization would be a complete success.

The Behavioral Model of Leadership deals with the behavior of leaders: what they do ...