Sins Of The Father

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Sins of the Father

Sins of the Father


Mark Madoff committed suicide on December 11th, 2010 morning. He was found deceased in his apartment being hung by a collar attached to a pipe, nearby his two years old son. Her wife, Stephanie Madoff, felt terrorized when she received bothersome e-mails from him. She lives in Florida with the pair's other child. His father-in-law came across this gruesome detection when he visited his apartment. The suicide committer's legal representative stated that the deceased took his own life today which was a dreadful and needless tragedy. He was a blameless prey of his father's outrageous misdeed that went through two years of inexorable stress from untrue allegations and implication. It is a very saddening and mournful event for all of us.

The victim's father was detained two years back from now, for devising a $65 billion Ponzi scheme scam. The psychological concept involved behind this real world event of committing suicide was a consequence of several factors that made up the committer's mind convinced of killing himself as the only option left. The stress which the information of a father being involved in a scandal of money laundering brought up a drastic change in not only the son's professional and social life but to his family life as well. The victim couldn't undergo that much of distress revolving around him each day in the form of disgrace and ridicule ever since the breakthrough of that miserable news. The typical environmental psyche of fallacy of generalization exists everywhere around the world due to which everyone related to the ashamed or guilty is taken in the same perspective by the populace and is ridiculed over and again to the extent, from where there is no point of return and eventually one decides to attempt a suicide as a last resort, despite of being a normal person (, 2010).

Body: Discussion and Analysis

There have been a lot of research works carried out to unleash the factors that play a chief role in making someone decisive to commit a suicide. Attempting suicides cannot be regarded as an isolated system, since it indirectly is affected by macro-social reasons. There is no doubt about the link between the effects of economic crises and the up surged cases of suicide. Political and economic instability contributes to the formation of social stress disorders in many people from different backgrounds at a very severe level. Rethinking life goals and the collapse of established values and authority, often leads to loss of someone's priceless life. Impoverishment, affecting majority of the populace, and the absence of real hope for improvement - all this contributes to the development of personal identity crisis. Among the four variants of an identity crisis i.e. academic, dissatisfaction, negative thinking and psychic, academic crisis has the highest suicide risk. In the new social situation, many people developing with the state maladjustment experience feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, increased anxiety, and depressed mood. The level of neuroticism is mainly involved in figuring ...
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