Single-Gender Classes And Their Impact On Attendance And Discipline In A Rural School In South Carolina

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[Single-gender classes and their impact on attendance and discipline in a rural school in South Carolina]



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Table of Contents


Problem Statement5

Purpose of the Study5

Research Aims and Objectives6

Research Question6


Legal Status7

Multiple Formats8

Early Results11


Family Support15



Computer-Mediated Communication (Cmc)17

Faculty and Course Content19

Dropout Figures19

The Future20

Gender Objectification: Popular Cultural Resources and Constrained Choice23



Research Design33

Literature Search33


Chapter 1: Introduction

Public schools are proposing more alternatives because teachers progressively have come to accept as true that a broader instructional list brings positive outcomes for every person involved. The days of parents simply marking up their young kids at the district school for a one-size-fits-all curriculum are almost over. In South Carolina, parents in high-choice school localities can enroll their young kids today in learned magnet schools, charter schools, Montessori programs and schools with curricula that focus the arts, technology or the environment.

Problem Statement

It is not known to what degree single gender classes affect attendance and behavior. United States.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study will be to prove that single gender classes will significantly improve attendance and behavior for boys and girls. Allow the researcher to observe how discipline and attendance will be impacted by the implementation of single gender classes in grades 7. The students are currently in grade 8.

Research Aims and Objectives

To find out whether single gender classes have an effect on attendance and discipline? To determine whether the implementation of single gender classes will be positive in the aforementioned areas or whether there is no significant change.

Research Question

Whether single gender classes have an effect or not?

Whether the implementation of single gender classes will be positive in the aforementioned areas or whether there is no significant change?

Chapter 2: Literature Review

To offer even more choices, the South Carolina General Assembly is construction very wide bipartisan support for legislation needing all districts to evolve instructional options for students. The catalyst for this legislation was a coordinated impel by public school educators. Under this growing sunshade of public school choice, single-gender classes are dispersing across the state. Although single-gender education is not a new idea, it exists today in a new format founded on new information and spurred by a new sense of urgency. An blast of study related to gender is discovering the possibility of gender dissimilarities in learning methods between male and feminine students. While new data extend to emerge, teachers can use current data to differentiate direction inside their classrooms. (Wei 2009)

Legal Status

Performance discrepancies between young men and young women are origin for serious concern. In South Carolina, as in many states, ...