Significant Event

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Significant Event

Significant Event


There are some events in life that have intense effects on the personality of an individual. These events are accurately memorable and they have some negative and positive effects on personality development. In this paper, I will discuss the significant event of my life that has positive and negative effects on my personality. Moreover, I will discuss the reason for memorizing that event with respect to learning theories and cognition.


The significant in my life was the death of my father at the age of 48 years. My father was my hope and pillar. It was a sudden death and that event changed my life and personality completely. When my father died, it was the time when I felt like I lost everything. I suffered from severe depression. I became unhappy, unwilling to socialize and almost suicidal. The event of his death is memorable for me that still I remember each moment before and after his death.

Reason Why the Event Is Memorable Accurately

The event placed a significant impact on my life that I cannot forget. I had gone through severe depression. The psychologists have discussed several theories of depression that put forwards the grounds for sustaining the memory of significant event.

Theories of Depression

There are several theories that provide strong grounds for memory and depression:

1. Behavioral theory

According to this theory, the depression is result of lack of reinforcements that makes the sufferer does not act. In my case, I was unwilling to take part in any activity of the society. I was lacking the reinforcement to socialize, which made me remember the bad part so accurately. Due to my depressed inactive state, I was not reinforced in the society and thus the situation perpetuated the depression. As per the theory, the treatment involves the schedule of activities ...
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