Significant Aspects For Adult Counselling Work

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Significant Aspects for Adult Counselling Work

Significant Aspects for Adult Counselling Work


The purpose of this essay is to define what a learning environment is and what aspects are important for adult counselling work. For this it is necessary to understand the concepts associated with the topic, analyze and outline its importance and influence in learning environments that can be used for counselling an adult. The nurturing aspects along with span of life are two major aspects that are significant for the work of adult counselling. In this paper we have analyzed both the aspects with respect to adult counselling work.


The nature versus nurture aspect concerns whether a person genetically inherits behavioural traits or learns these traits through their environment. This aspect has been studied through tracking identical twins separated at birth; however, it remains inconclusive as to the dominant element. This aspect is important in adult counselling work, as some people believe if a trait is genetically inherited, then they cannot do anything to change or improve their situation (Tibbetts, 2011, pp. 89-90). However, some people believe their nurture period has damaged them so they feel they cannot do anything to change their future. Consequently, a psychologist must consider what the person's belief is concerning nature versus nurture so they can devise appropriate strategies to help. To find a middle ground, it might be considered a person has inherited a behavioural trait however it only becomes an issue when there is a particular environmental trigger (Benson, 2009, p. 261). By adopting this approach, a psychologist can encourage a person to understand their situation and act appropriately.

The stages of life span concerns the physical and psychological growth and development of the human from infancy to death. Given the starting and ending points of the life span, this shows human development is continuous, ...
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