Significance Of Strategy In Business Development

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Significance of Strategy in Business Development

Situational Analysis

Situation 1:

Let's say you are a senior decision maker in a large computer design, manufacturing and sales company. How do the “three convergences” affect you? To pertain to answer the situation mentioned above, one must see and witness that the changing world, maintaining a strong hold upon the functioning and process involved in the sustenance of the organization is vital. Being a decision maker, in itself, is one of the most important tasks to undertake while working at a position of risk and return. In the light, of being an important stakeholder towards computer hardware production, the impact of the three convergences would be diabolical, in the sense if my company does not meet the demand posted by the broad customer spectrum the organization caters.

The Triple Convergence

To give in towards the understanding and comprehension, one must understand the three major forces that have contributed and added to a flattened world and the impacts that these forces have upon the development and growth of the physical world. Generally, the concept of a 'flat world' pertains to describe the phenomenon that, in today's modern, rapid and fast-paced world, no more boundaries, problems, issues and concerns are raised regarding professional work. there is now a recognition of the ten flatteners by the businessmen, corporate leaders and giants, who now utilize each and every flattener to their benefit and advantage; and finally, as the population of the world grows at a never-ending rate, more people are getting acquainted and becoming part of the information sharing process (Friedman, 2005, 225).

Besides the ten flatteners, Friedman offers the triple convergence which is the three additional components that act on the flatteners to create a flatter global playing field. This triple convergence is as follows:

a)People are engaged and hooked with internet connectivity, with constant and recurring updates regarding the current happenings of the world. The information management is available as complementary goods in that each flatterer enhances the other, and information is widely available for free (Friedman, 2005, 226).

b)The concept of horizontalization is becoming common which refers to the collaboration of people and company with other departments and companies to add value, innovation, and creation. This convergence reoccurs when the horizontalization and ten flatteners begin to reinforce each other and people understand the capability of the available technologies.

c)The third convergence is the creation of brain power to enhance the international collaboration after the fall of Berlin wall. This convergence is the most important force that shapes the economic and political economies in the 21st century (Friedman, 2005, 230).

Affect on the Computer Design, Manufacturing and Sales Company

The three convergences will impact the computer design, manufacturing and sales company in countless ways, for example, as people are collaborating more frequently than before there is a need of smart information management system. Few significant effects on the companies are:

The need for constant change

The changes in the information technology force the companies to remain updated about new processes and procedures that optimize the ...
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