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Strategic HRM and Challenges faced by Organizations

Strategic HRM and Challenges faced by Organizations


Hospitality industry of every country is an important and essential one as it helps the economies to grow and also provides them a chance to represent their countries. People who plan to visit another country do so by looking at the tourism rate in the country and also what the country has done to improve tourism. Increasing the rate of tourism is in favor of the countries as it helps them to earn more foreign exchange and help their economy in becoming stronger. There are a number of sub sectors in this industry such as; accommodation which includes hotels, lodges etc.; restaurants and bar which includes cafes, nightclubs, restaurants, etc.; and finally the travel sub sector which helps the tourists in exploring the new country and includes people who act as tour guides.

Just like other industries, hospitality industry also faces certain issues and challenges. Human resource management is one of the most challenging issues present in the industry. This means that the industry is facing problems in managing human resource. The industry is finding it difficult to retain competent employees and to train the existing employees in such a manner which will prove effective for the industry, as well as, the tourists. Human resource is an important function of the organization and the management should make sure that proper training is provided to them (Taylor, 2007, pp. 336-354). This paper will discuss human resource management issues and challenges faced by the hospitality industry.


Strategic human resource management is an important aspect of every business. It is important for the people to understand the difficulties that the organizations face while they step their business. Human resource management is one of the most essential aspects and it should be made sure by the management that the personnel are managed well. This part of the paper will define and discuss the different challenges that the hospitality industry faces in its human resource department.

Identifying the Challenges

The hospitality industry has been experiencing changes in the current trends. These changes are related to the internal environment, as well as, the external environment. These changes are related to the changes the industry i.e. the way of doing business. The changing business has caused the management to change its way of doing business and has also ensured that strategies that are formulated are according to the change that the industry is going through. A challenge that the companies of this industry face is the level of competition (Liang-Hung, 2011, pp. 235-257). With the increased number of companies in the industry, the rivalry in the industry has increased.

Every company is looking to do something that is innovative and that will help in winning more business than the rest of the companies. This is an issue that the rest of the companies have to face and resolve. The companies have to make sure that they also formulate strategies that will help them in staying ahead and will ...
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