Show Home

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Show Home

Show Home


Show Home is a concept about the interior of the homes. It makes sure that the people get to know more about the ways homes can be decorated and also gives them a chance to make their home the best that they can ever have. They should be able to make sure that the people they are targeting are the ones who want to decorate their homes and who want to make sure that their work is appreciated by the people. They should also be able to make sure that they target the right people with the right products. This paper will discuss the different aspects and ideas of the show home.


Target Market

The target market of the show home will be the ones who are fashion oriented and who know about the different trends of interior decoration. They should be able to make sure that they are targeting the right people or else they will be unable to get hold of any customers. In this manner, they will also be able to make sure that awareness is being increased and people are attracted towards the concept of show home.

Different Concepts and Feel of Place

They should be able to present their concept in a manner that will help them to make sure that the concept is bringing more and more people. There are many ways of representing the same concept, but it is up to the people to come up with the most innovative one. One concept is to present the furniture and other accessories in a sober manner.

The picture above presents the sober manner in which the show home can present one of its concepts. This concept will help them to attract the sober people and will also increase their earning. They will be able to make sure that the people get the right feel when they enter and when they take a look at the furniture. The feel is very important; therefore, care should be taken that the people are doing their best to make sure that they give their best shot when people visit the place. This place will give the people a very relaxed feeling as it is sober and has the view of the outside, as well.

On the other hand, there are people who like bright interiors and are more comfortable with it. For them, the interior decorators will have to make sure that they construct the same for them. For them, the interior decorators should build something like this

This will help them in gaining attention of the people who are lively and like bright colours. The interior decorators will have to create the same feel that the consumers want. They should be able to make sure that the people who like bright colours get the right products because they are the ones for whom the products are being produced.

Design Concept

Interior design of the project is, above all in shaping the overall design concept of the future living ...
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