Should The U.S. Government Have Given $200,000 Reparation Payments To The Survivors Of The Japanese Incarceration Program--1942-1945 Or Not? Explain.

Should the U.S. government have given $200,000 reparation payments to the survivors of the Japanese Incarceration program--1942-1945 or not? Explain.

Japanese Incarceration Program

Yes I firmly believe that the U.S. government should have given the $200,000 reparation payment to the survivors of the Japanese incarceration program 1942-1945. The United States should know that the widespread destruction in Japan was caused by the US atomic bomb killing 220,000 right away and more than 10 times the above figure were killed within that week.

Moreover, after surrendering the war Japanese people were in a state of shock even those who were living had lost many family ...