Should The United States Have A Limit Of Children Born Per Household?

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Should the United States have a limit of children born per household?

Thesis Statement

“United States of America should regulate a strict policy for limiting the children born per family to a very limited number like 1 child or 2 children by max.”


United States of America the super power of the world is facing a major economic crisis and if we critically analyze the issue the problem is directly related to the high population of the country. The world is a living planet with scarce amount of resources and as we observe the history it is quiet evident that the only method of survival possible is that the users of the resources should be equivalent to the amount of resources offered to the mankind. The initial human race was very fast in producing children and the coming generations are saturating making it difficult for the world to survive. United States of America has the greatest influence upon all countries and any policy adopted in this country is replicated by other countries. It is time for the nation to set examples of limiting child birth.


Above all else, child limit laws might be, in no way "naturally uncalled for" As your particular statistics stated, "The normal family has 1.89 youngsters." The children cutoff could be two kids rather one. That might likewise stop planet populace. There are families who are having a great deal of kids, and the aforementioned are things that ought to be ceased.

Child breaking point might cause higher premature birth rate

Provided that we have a kid point of confinement law of two youngsters or less, then I'm certain folks could handle that. I profoundly ought individuals could unintentionally have three or more kids. Anyway how about we say a couple inadvertently had a third toddler. They could give that toddler to a family that doesn't have two or less (Becker et al. 1960).

Us sets an Example for other nations

As various countries have adopted the US policies for democracy, freedom, rights of speech and other various initiatives which USA have started. There is a high probability f USA takes a stance upon this issue many countries would follow it although China has already adopted this policy but no country has followed the examples. The United States of America is one of the advancing nations on the planet. So I'm certain that in the event that we do this, and then different nations might take action accordingly which might be an extremely adequate path to keep us from overpopulation. The earth has constrained assets that can't stand by us without end. I suppose it is our obligation to stop overpopulation for our destiny eras. Also there are just two courses to do this. We could either expansion the passing rate, which I suppose might be ruthless and untrustworthy. Alternately we could diminish the conception rate which might be a moral simple route to diminishing overpopulation.

In America, we are battling with a terrible economy and restricted work accessibility. Many individuals are let go ...