Should The Federal Government Be Allowed To Regulate Information On The Internet?

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Should the federal government be allowed to regulate information on the internet?

Since the advent of the Internet official for the general public in Cambodia in 1997, during which a first network operations center (NOC) was established in the Kingdom, this new mode of communication and dissemination of Information has been popularized throughout the country, along with the rise of radio and television by cable and satellite. Development that, after more than a decade, began to worry about the Cambodian Ministry of Information, concerned about the potential impact of new technologies on society and seeking to regulate "broadcasting services by electronic system" in a statute currently being drafted. Online journals (such as Ka-set) would a priori not affected by this new body of legislation, make sure there at the information ministry, the goal is essentially to control the dissemination of audiovisual data, games , entertainment and online advertising to ensure compliance with rules. (Cerulo, 48)

A law intended to respond to technological developments

With the development of new technologies, the Ministry of Information of Cambodia has seen the scope of its responsibilities grow considerably over the years. Already responsible for supervising the audiovisual conventional analog type, twenty-five radio stations and seven television channels broadcast in Cambodia in Phnom Penh and / or province, has gradually expanded its portfolio to the radio and Satellite television and the Internet, said Nouv Sovathero, Secretary of State for Information, responsible for drafting the text of the bill, which will consist of twelve chapters and seventy-seven articles. (Beniger, 352)

"The radio and television stations have a strong influence on listeners and viewers, he says. The Act is therefore to verify any dissemination activity through electronic systems as well as broadcasts of public performances." The new law will therefore concern audiovisual broadcasts on the Internet but also on mobile phones, whose use has become commonplace in just a few years and can now listen to the radio, watching television and exchange text, sound and images. By extending its responsibilities, the Ministry of Information has no other purpose, provides the Secretary of State, than to ensure compliance with morality and moral rules. "For example, if we learn that some online games have a negative impact on youth, or even society as a whole, the Ministry of Information, in collaboration with relevant authorities, will give a warning to the licensee mailing or remove him, said Nouv Sovathero. We will also ensure the quality of advertising that is respected the ban unfair or deceptive ads." (Baym, 63)

A dual license for local ISPs

The new law will set a legal framework as well as to publishers of audiovisual content online for companies or individuals providers (ISPs), whose responsibility is primarily technical. Thus, ISPs, who must now seek a license from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications before exercising their activity will be constrained if the legislation is passed, requesting a second license issued by the Ministry of Information. Since they are the ones that allow users to connect and access data network, the framers ...