Should Smoking Be Banned In Public Places?

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Should Smoking be banned in Public Places?

Current Conversation about the Issue

Today, the issue of smoking in public places is raised in diverse places and abundant moments of social life. There are some people who believe that everyone reserves the right to smoke whenever and wherever they want.  The true is that we all defend our right to be free and that one is offended and in some cases marginalized, if not you respect your individual freedom. Therefore, because each one is free and the act of smoking itself is personal and, can be seen in a doubtful case consideration, as something personal and not relevant to anyone but each smoker, individually. It also made this position can be based on that public places are for any person and therefore, smokers should theoretically be able to be present. (Barendregt, 152-157)

Thesis Statement

Nowadays, the smoking has become a fashion statement for the young generation. Changes in public attitudes both to the health and comfort aspects of exposure to tobacco smoke mean that it is now common practice for smoking to be banned in workplaces such as offices and in other enclosed public places such as cinemas, buses and trains.

Discussion About “Should Smoking banned in Public Places”

 However, revisiting the idea of freedom that we all belong, we must stress that there is no freedom without respect for the other. If the act freely does not respect the freedom of others be not exist the concept of freedom. In other words, adjusted to the subject of snuff, what I mean is that by the fact that I smoke in a public place forced the person next to passive smoking (Sargent, 77-80).

 I have quoted above also what could be defined like a public place. Returning to the above it follows that they can stay in any ...
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