Should Primary Schools Teach Sex Education

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Should Primary Schools Teach Sex Education


Background: Topicality of the problem3

Thesis statement4

Sex education is one the most arguable questions during many years5

History of sex education5

Literature Review6

Consequences of Sex Education in Primary Schools7

Parents Perspective8

Moral Context9

Pros and cons of sex education for children9



Why should we start sex education in elementary school?12

Live issues of sex education12

General counseling12

Preventing unintended pregnancy12

Strategies to avoid STDs, including HIV infection and AIDS13

Who provides children with sexual information?13




Countries practicing sex education in elementary school14






Should Primary Schools Teach Sex Education


Background: Topicality of the problem

Addressing of sexual aspects of development and growth is the major purpose of school based sexuality. Social skills, wellbeing and health of students can be promoted and enhanced with the help of sexuality education. Drug related education also comes under the category of school based sexuality. In order to make it easy for schools to describe their responsibility in the profession of teaching regarding sexuality. All students by the age of 6 years get to know following important things:

All the students are capable of describing the names of almost all parts of the body along with their function

All students have practice of asking for help and talking about their relationships, their bodies and their feelings

All students become ready for puberty

All students get to know the necessity of respect in keeping and maintaining any relationship

All students get to know the way babies are born and conceived

Disarmingly, all these goals are uncomplicated. However, important lessons about puberty and bodies require canvassing the social meanings and feelings that are linked to sexual development and growth. Following are some examples of this;

When wet dreams or menstruation is explained, the way some boys and girls might feel regarding such events may also be discussed, or the parents may be interviewed on the way they felt regarding approaching such targets. This acts as a most significant session regarding the worldwide experience of excitement, fear, and uncertainty of changing and growing up.

While instructing the students of grades five and six, regarding the changes allied to the teenage, a list of increasing interest in relationships would be prepared. The session becomes more effective in case the implications of sexual education are ceased to be reflected upon on the existing relationships of the students. The students may also discuss regarding the impacts of pairing up on the associations with their partners, and are egged on for considering the way they must treat one another.

The methods of teaching which are interactive permit the students for considering their beliefs, facilitating them in raising queries and engaging their families, and also contributing to enhanced learning outcomes (Fisher & Fisher, 1998).

Thesis statement

The purpose of this research is to determine the need for providing sex education in primary. Therefore, the researcher will gather data to understand the importance of delivering knowledge to the primary students regarding sex education. Although, it is important to create awareness related to the sexual issues that children face, but parents are concerned that this information should be delivered in its moral ...