Should Or Shouldnt The Titanic Be Raised

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Should or shouldn't the titanic be raised

Should or shouldn't the titanic be raised

It has been 97 years since Titanic sank, and now someone is trying to raise it. They hope to bring it completely above water to rebuild it and then preserve it. Hopefully it will work, but there is a chance it might not. How would it be pulled up without destroying it? It might be too heavy to lift; maybe it will split right where the cable is like a knife through butter, because of the salt water erosion. Some people hope it won't work because they don't want to curse the country. Some people hope it will. Everyone is asking these questions and many more! Will it work, will if fail? (Beesley, 2002)

Actually, they did raise a big chunk of it a few years ago. They wanted to do some tests on the steel - to see whether the ship's construction could have had something to do with why it sank so quickly. When Robert Ballard (the fellow who "discovered" the wreck back in the 80s) visited the site, he and his crew left a memorial plaque that read something to the effect of; "This is a burial ground, don't be a grave robber (Beesley, 2002)."

By the time James Cameron, director of the Titanic movie, was doing his extremely in-depth exploration of the site a few years ago, the plaque had been stolen, along with a few thousand other artifacts. People are desperate to collect a little bit of anything from the wreck to sell or keep or display in museums, so it's my opinion that the expeditions to the Titanic to collect pieces (and maybe eventually, pretty much everything down there) will continue.

Of course, the concept of raising the ...
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