Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Should Marijuana be legalized?


These paper discuses about the Marijuana as the useful drug, and further why it has declared to be legalized. This paper discusses about the role of movements that played necessary roles in the legalization of Marijuana. In 2010 the RAND Drug Policy Research Center in California conducted an analysis of how marijuana legalization in California would affect marijuana consumption and budgets.

Thesis Statement

Marijuana should be legalized to incorporate it in medicine for treatment.

Why Marijuana is illegal?

Some of the illegal aspects of the Marijuana

It is perceived as addictive.

It has "no accepted medical use."

It has been historically linked with narcotics, such as heroin.

It is associated with unfashionable lifestyles.

It was once associated with oppressed ethnic groups.

Inertia is a powerful force in public policy.

Advocates for marijuana legalization rarely present an appealing case.

Legalization of Marijuana

There are two parts to the legalization argument. The first component is moral; the second component is its consequentiality or utilitarian component. The moral component argues that prohibition is unjust and discriminatory; a policy that unfairly and tragically persecutes innocent parties. The consequentiality component argues that, as measured by any conceivable, widely agreed-on, concrete standard, criminalization does more harm than good (Moore, 25).

About 90% of so-called domestic crimes are associated with immoderate consumption of alcohol. And although, of course, it all depends on the person, too many people tend to become brutalized by the immoderate consumption of alcohol. Alcoholic drinks have quite legally. Understanding your own bestiality and self-abasement leads only to a desire to humiliate, insult or beat someone else, so to speak, to put it on a par with them. Marijuana as has been proven, not only does not contribute to violent behavior, and even vice versa, relaxes, soothes and makes people more peaceful. In addition, cannabis does not contain nicotine. Although damage from smoke inhalation - the same as in the case of cigarettes (Moore, 25).

Positive and legal aspects of the Marijuana

Chronic marijuana use, especially in a very young person, may also be a marker of risk for mental illnesses - including addiction - stemming from genetic or environmental vulnerabilities, such as early exposure to stress or violence (ElSohly, 25).

Arguments for Marijuana

Is Marijuana Useful as Medicine?

For more than four decades the federal government has led the way for the world in studying marijuana and its cannabinoids. Most marijuana-based studies funded by NIH have been conducted on the cannabinoids, working on FDA-approved research protocols that investigate the safety, efficacy and dose of specific cannabinoids in the treatment of various diseases. For example, Marinol, synthetic THC (the primary active ingredient in marijuana), was approved by the FDA and has been available by prescription for medical use since 1985. Millions of dollars have been directed towards investigating medical uses of smoked marijuana. In California the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) is in its eleventh year of studying smoked marijuana and the cannabinoids for therapeutic effects. Marijuana has been available to CMCR for these studies through NIDA's contract with University of Mississippi. Approval for the use of marijuana ...
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