Should Homosexuals Be Permitted To Serve In The Armed Forces?

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Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?


Almost 20 years ago, a law condemned to silence homosexuals serving in the U.S. forces. Since then, more than 11,000 soldiers have been forced to give up his uniform because of their sexual orientation. The Law “Don't Ask Do not Tell,” was introduced in the period of Clinton. The senate raised an issue that whether Homosexuals should be allowed to work in the U.S Military or not. This law was accorded in 1993 in supervision of Clinton senate, and he does not allow it. "Don't Ask, Do not Tell" released the U.S' army soldiers for exposing them as gays, lesbians, or bisexuals (Long, 2).

"Homosexuals have struggled for equality in the military since the 60's. It took much effort to get to this point." The movement to reverse the policy of the military which requires soldiers not to reveal their homosexual orientation was reinforced when President Barrack Obama campaign to repel. The effort was stalled in Congress, but revived last month when a federal judge in California called it unconstitutional.


President Obama repealed the law requiring sexual orientation hidden under threat of expulsion from the forces. That had been one of the promises of his campaign. U.S. President Barrack Obama today struck down a law requiring homosexual soldiers to hide his sexual orientation under the threat of being expelled from the military. "Your country needs you, your country calls and we are honored to receive the ranks of the best army in the world" Obama told his fellow homosexuals during a ceremony in Washington before signing the text of the law passed by Senate last weekend. The U.S. Senate ended of a controversial law called "Do Not Ask, Do Not Tell,” which obliged the soldiers, gays and lesbians to hide their sexual orientation under threat of deportation. Its repeal was one of Obama's main campaign promises. The law, which reviewed by the U.S. Justice for its discriminatory nature, has led since its adoption in 1993, the dismissal of some 14,000 troops because of his homosexuality (Berube, 5).

President Barack Obama meet a campaign promise by signing a historic law that end the policy forcing gays and lesbians to hide their sexual orientation in the armed forces, declaring that the Government will not ask their soldiers and sailors to lie by omission. The new law will end the policy of last 17 years forced homosexuals to hide their sexual orientation, risk being fired. The repeal comes as public opinion has become more tolerant about such issues as gay marriage and the rights of gays and lesbians (Lawrence, 3). After a battle of epic proportions within the "cultural war" that America is fighting with himself, the Senate has revealed the new rule. The rule commonly known as "do not ask, do not tell" that came forcing gays and lesbians hide their true sexual orientation to serve in the American Armed Forces. The Act, known as "Don't Ask, Do not Tell" (do not ask, do not count), ...
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