Should Homosexuals Be Able To Marry?

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Should Homosexuals be Able to Marry?


Should Homosexuals be Able to Marry?


People have different views and ideas about homosexual marriages on why it should be or not be made legal. There are many issues that have been raised due the concept of homosexual marriages. Homosexuals can be divided into two broad categories that are Gay and Lesbian. Gay is a term that is referred to homosexual men and lesbian is referred to homosexual women. There are people, who take homosexual marriages or relations against the ethical norms, religious and societal values. The homosexuals have stressed on making their marriages legal but there are many people who stood against their stance. In their view it will create bad impact on overall society as people will start following it.

Homosexual-rights advocates have intensified their efforts in the current era to gain legal recognition for same sex marriages but they have not yet become successful in their efforts due to social conservatives and strong societal resistance. The supporters of homosexual marriage have raised their voice through various platforms and campaigns that they should enjoy the similar practical and symbolic benefits like the heterosexuals. The opponents have recognized homosexual unions as harmful for the traditional families. Homosexual marriage will have negative effect on the overall society and will hurt the traditional values and norms so it should not be legalized.


Due to many reasons homosexual marriage is still not legalized in any of country or state. The concept of marriage is commonly known for its pro-creational activities that would not be possible with same sex marriages (Duffy, 1985). The society would not grow as the birth rate would decline.

The supporters of homosexual marriage and relations have also stressed their point of view that the world can survive with some non-procreative couples. Most of the religions of the world deny homosexual marriages. For understanding the necessity to oppose the legal recognition of homosexual marriages, one should refer to the ethical consideration that needs to be looked after. Homosexual marriage will bring change in the traditional marriage that will not have positive impact on the society (Binson, 1995). The lifestyles of same-sex people or homosexuals and the base of civil laws totally oppose each other. The lifestyle of homosexuals tend to modify the moral values and ethical norms, this is the main reason behind not legalizing their marriages (Sell, 1995).

According to a research conducted by U.S census Bureau, most of the homosexuals have children under the age of 18. The homosexual marriage will have poor impact on the minds of children and they will develop the similar thoughts and behavior towards it. So to save the society from these consequences the government of most of the countries is not legalizing homosexual marriages (Beck, 2010). The civil laws of the state play an important role in the managing the patterns of behavior and thought. These laws strictly oppose the legalization of homosexual marriages. Whenever homosexual couples appeal to get state authorization for their marriage they directly demand all ...
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