Should Homosexuals Be Able To Marry?

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Should Homosexuals be able to Marry?

Should Homosexuals be able to Marry?


The marriage of same sex couples has been a topic of debate since very long. There are people who do not like the idea of homosexuals getting married and on the other hand, there are able to encourage marriage between homosexuals. It should be made sure by the government and the federal agencies to resolve the issue and take a decision keeping in view its pros and cons. It is the responsibility of the state to make sure that a proper decision is taken regarding the issue and that the people in the country are following the decision so that they can live in peace and harmony. There are a number of aspects that should be evaluated and reviewed before taking any decision regarding the marriage of homosexuals. Homosexuals should be allowed to marry by the state.


There are a number of opponents, as well as, proponents of the idea of the marriage of homosexuals. It is important that a decision is taken by the state so that each and every individual follows what is being decided by the state ( The next section of the paper will present arguments in favor and against the thesis.


The main argument that supporters of gay marriages present is that they should be allowed to marry the person they love and human rights should be respected so that they can lead a life as they wish. It is important that the human rights are supported in order to make sure that every person gets whatever he wants. This means that the people should be given freedom for choosing their life partner and whomever they love (Rauch, 2004). According to the proponents of gay marriage, every individual should be allowed to do whatever he wants and also marry the person whom he/she loves. In addition to this, they are allowed to marry people with whom they think that they can spend the rest of their life and also make sure that the right ways are adopted to make sure that gay marriages are allowed.

Following are the arguments that proponents of gay marriages present:

Everyone has the right to be happy and this means being free and equal before the law also. Laws should be for everyone and it should not matter if someone is homosexual or heterosexual.

The current adoption law does not require a person to be heterosexual to adopt. Currently, many gay couples raise children, adopted by one of its members, or conceived through assisted fertilization methods.

Children of gays and lesbians should have the same rights as heterosexual couples. At present, the homosexual partner who is not listed as an adopter and has no hereditary link, but can take care of the child is allowed to adopt the child and take appropriate care of him.

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