Should A Ruler Always Keep His Words?

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Should a Ruler always Keep his Words?

Should a Ruler always Keep his Words?


The paper intends to describe the statement that the ruler should always keep his words. The famous book 'Machievelli: The Prince' written by well known authors Niccolo Machiavelli, Quentin Skinner, and Russell Price teaches that the ruler who honors his words is always praised by his followers. The book is found to be the great source of knowledge pertinent to the topic. As everyone knows that the ruler who keeps his promises and live an upright life not the trickery one is the one who is praiseworthy. Hence, the book, discusses the nature of the ruler and how the ruler can grasp the power if he is not inherited. In short, the book has the sparking information which can become the essence to enlighten ones' knowledge. The book clearly asserts that the unethical rulers are dishonest with their followers as they fail to honor their agreements and commitments with others.


The ruler or the leader must have the righteous qualities such as kindness, mercy, and faithfulness. However, besides that, the ruler is required to have the capabilities of doing evil and have the capacity to use such evil qualities whenever need arises. The authors have also expounded in the book that the rulers must keep his words and he must not rashly break his promises or words. According to Machiavelli in the book that man of high respect must be able to command the respect from the followers. Machiavelli believed that breaking the promises or words has the negative impact about the ruler on his people. This is because, this act will lose the trust of the followers and contribute in making him the despised leader. As a matter of fact, ...