Should A Parenting Class To Be Added To Our High School Curriculum

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Should a Parenting Class to be Added To Our High School Curriculum

Letter of Transmittal

Address of Receiver

Dear [Name of the Course coordinator],

I am submitting the report having title “Should a Parenting Class to Be Added to Our High School Curriculum”, as per the course requirement.

This is a recommendation report, having discussion on the introduction of parenting classes in the high school curriculum. A questionnaire survey is conducted for this purpose which is incorporated in this report.

I hope that this report will merit your approval.

Respectfully yours,

[Name of the student]


The issue of teen births is counted as a major problem of America today. The teens having child at such young age suffer from numerous issues like medical, moral, religious, and even social. In the year 2009, 10.1% of the U.S. births were to the teens. Also, 21.4% of the non-marital births were to the teens in the country.

The birth rate for teens varies considerably across states. The state with the highest number of teen births is the Mississippi having a rate of 65.7 births per 1,000 women aged between 15 to 19 years. While the lowest rate was found in Hampshire having the birth rate of 19.8 per 1,000 women aged between the same age bracket in the year 2008. Hispanics are on top when it comes to teen birth rate pregnancy and birth rates. It has been seen that, birth rates for the nation might have declined in the recent decade, however, for certain ethnic groups the birth rates are significantly higher than other ethnic groups, black, white, and American Indian/Alaska teens.

In order to find out the response of parents of teen in introducing classes of parenting for teens as curriculum in high school, a questionnaire survey has been conducted. More than half the respondents strongly think that, they are worried about the issue of teen pregnancy. Large majority of parents (85%) believe that, teens are not ready to be parents. Also, 75% of the respondents believe that, parenting classes will help their children in making better decision regarding sex, pregnancy, and birth of child. It is evident from this survey that, any such program is likely to receive strong support from the parents of teenagers. It is recommended that government should make efforts to introduce such parenting classes in the high school curriculum.

Table of Contents

Executive SummaryI


Secondary research2


Survey Findings5







Executive Summary

After the breakage of extended families, several new issues have raised their necks in front of society. Social values are changing and bringing many consequences. One such consequence is the teen pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is an issue that comes under the heading of out-of wedlock sex. The statistics show a rise in this problem. In the year 2009, 10.1% of the U.S. births were to the teens. Also, 21.4% of the non-marital births were to the teens in the country. Teenage pregnancy has many consequences, right from the teen themselves to children and society. Due to the dire consequences of out of wedlock sex, it is considered a major goal to ...
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