Shortage Of Nurses

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Shortage of Nurses

Shortage of Nurses


Nurses are the crucial part of the healthcare setting. Nurses relate directly to the patient care and thus affecting the human life via various aspects. In the present scenario, nursing shortage is one of important issues in healthcare organization. In addition to this, the new graduate after completing their studies encountered many challenges in acquiring job, adequate salary packages and providing quality care to the patients. There are several cases in which, students are not able in affording the tuition fees. It indicates the factors reducing the interest of people in attaining the nursing education (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, 2004).


There are many reasons of shortage of nurses in the hospitals encompassing the high rate of attrition with in the initial year of the novel graduates of nurses. In United States, the statistical data has illustrated about 61 percent as the turnover for novice nurses. Twenty-five percent of the graduated nurses already have worked for two facilities at six to eight months. The elevate rate of turnover affects the novel graduate nurses professionally as well as personally along with the influence on the facility financially. Some of the statistical analysts have shown that most of the new graduate nurses used to leave their initial post in first six months of hiring because of bullying, a common type of lateral violence (Rooks, & Ernst, 1999).

Attrition in Nurses

Several research studies have evaluated the factors or the reasons regarding the elevated incidence of attrition in the novel nurses graduated and are in their first year of practical life. The gap present among the preparedness of new nurses, their readiness regarding their profession and practice is due to the stimulation of stress. Stress does no allow the new nurses to retain their job and affect them personally and professionally. The fresh nurse graduates encounter several challenges, which possess the potential to cause stress and the job conflicts. Moreover, it causes the lack of practice with developing and applying the new ideas challenging the current and accepted practice. It causes the lack of practice with independent judgment and skills of nursing as well as the expression of lateral violence in association with resistant staff (Rose, All, & Gresham, 2003).

These factors are described below.

Requirement of Knowledge Development

The new graduate nurses do not possess any professional experience in past. With respect t this condition, it is highly important for the nurses to become competent via developing the nursing knowledge. In this regard the involvement of the institutes is significant. It is necessary to promote the development of knowledge and transmit the knowledge acquired from institution to novel nurses, which help to decline the attrition in the initial phase of their professional life. There are following strategies to cope with the lack of ability to develop knowledge in new graduates of nursing. Using of the model for the nurses to facilitate the learning concerning patient care as whole. Transforming care to the patients at bed side is useful to ...
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