Shortage Of Nurses

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Shortage of Nurses

Shortage of Nurses


Health care provisions are essential for the survival and well being of any society. In those societies, where health care facilities are conveniently accessible to the common men, prosperity and harmony reign supreme (Livsey, 2007). This profession is a set of actions that are aimed at providing care to individuals who are ill, mentally incapable, or dying. However, there has been an increase in the shortage of the nurses. The shortage of nurses has become an increasing problem for United States as well as other countries. This problem will increase as the baby boomer population continues to age and increase the need for health care (Lamp, 2011).


Several of the reports show that the shortage of the registered nurses will reach to almost 500,000 by the end of the year 2025. There have been numerous reports of the shortage of nurses in different hospitals and medical institution (Dolan, 2011). This has resulted in the decrease in the quality of care across the country. The existing registered nurses have become overburden due to the increase in the need of health care and a decrease in the number of nursing staff. There are several different factors that have resulted in the nurses' shortage (Kelly, 2010). There has been a significant decrease in the enrollment in the nursing courses around the country. In the past, there was a vast increase in the interest of women to pursue a career as nurses, however, now the women enjoy a wider range of the choices of the careers (Hirschfeld, 2009). The men on the other hand are still reluctant in entering the field of nursing. Other factors include low wages and little to no opportunities in the career growth (Ganley & Sheets, 2009).

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Nursing Residency Programme

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