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Game Result

Game Over

You're Score: 180

Average reaction time:

Black Armed: 627.72ms

Black Unarmed: 950.96ms

White Armed: 799.92ms

White Unarmed: 924.36ms

The percentage of Black Armed Individuals according to the game result is 627.72ms, whereas the percentage of Black Unarmed Individuals is 799.92ms. This result interprets that the percentage of Black people who are involved in terrorist activities is less than those who are normal citizen and are Black.

Black Armed:



Black Unarmed:



White Armed:



White Unarmed:





The total score of Black Armed people whose percentage is 19%

The total score of Black Unarmed people whose percentage is 28.79%

The total score of White Armed people whose percentage is 24.22%

The total score of White Unarmed people whose percentage is 27.99%

The total score of the game is 180 points

The above graph explains that the percentage of Black armed is less than people who are Unarmed. This shows that black people are less harmful and are more sophisticate people and are very friendly. They are polite in nature.

The above graph shows and explains the percentage of White armed people who are inclined towards terrorism and fighting whereas the quantity of Unarmed White people in they're is less. The result shows that white people are more into terrorism and fights. They are aggressive in nature.

The average time which took me to shoot was very less and I almost took less than a second to shoot and spot the person.

If I did not shoot I took same as above time of almost a second, I was more interested in shooting and targeting rather than skipping the picture.

I was more focused and determined to press the shoot button rather than the not to shoot button.

Basically my shooting was not biased at all. I did want my instincts suggested me. My aim was to give it a best shot rather than become bias and prefer people whose color match with my skin color.

As already mentioned and discussed earlier in the sentence I am not a biased person by any means the time taken to shoot black and white was not something related to my preference for any color, race of people. My judgment was purely base on the fact that I wanted to become a better identifier of people.

Bias is an inclination to present or contain a partial viewpoint at the total cost of (possibly identically valid) alternatives. Bias can arrive in numerous forms.

A cognitive bias is the human inclination to make methodical mistakes in certain attenuating components founded on ...
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