Shipping Freight Market

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Shipping Freight Market

Shipping Freight Market

The Shipping Market

The shipping market is represented by the area in which agents relate the supply of shipping as ship owners, brokers and shipping agents and others with demand as shippers, brokers, intermediaries (Jankowicz, 2011). etc.., developing among them a relationship that leads to formation charter price.

The transport market is characterized Tramp regime on supply and demand converge to set the price based on the relationship between the volume of supply and demand, also because in this market is not the existence of stocks, this means the storage space that is not sold, lost, not a storable good, is a market where transparency reigns and where supply and demand are current operations and the market also has a rather rigid structure which the owners have very limited possibilities to influence on the various cost components.

As for the Regular Services market, this involves the preparation and publication of common freight rates, the conference must approve the services provided by each line. Liner Conferences constitute what is called a pool, type of agreement involving greater coordination of services, beyond the common pricing (Levinson, 2012).

It is also common that two or more carriers constitute a joint service or consortium (joint service) on a given line, by providing funds and / or vessels each and bringing the load obtained for each shipping. In recent years there has been widespread agreement alternative to shipping has been called "Partnerships", similar to consortia but extended to all services worldwide and not limited to a line or geographical region.

There are also some services in which neither the tramp with specialized ships or conventional scheduled services are adequate. These are specialized services which are characterized by:

Existence of a limited number of shippers and shipowners.

Specialized and expensive vessels.

The services are tailored to the needs of the magazine.

High levels of competition between shipowners.

Often carriers are grouped into pools.

Balancing Supply And Demand of Shipping

We must begin by stating the concepts of supply and demand in the freight market, physical location or where two wills, one purchase and one freely negotiated sales to reach a mutual agreement on the exchange of a product or service at an agreed price . Specifically in the freight market relates the agents of the supply, ie shipowners, agents demand for training service pricing on Shipping, freight. The offer is measured by the available transmission capacity in the short term, depending in turn on the existing fleet, clamping levels and speed of service, according to the portfolio of orders and the situation of the shipbuilding industry to medium term as well as productivity of the fleet (Drucker, 2010). As demand is dependent on the international economic situation, relations between producers and consumers, the situation of each country, and competition for the existence of substitute products and transport. According to economic theory of markets, when shipping companies in the market place more vessels of the applicants who apply, rates tend to ...
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