Ship Management is an important content of the supervision and management of maritime traffic, including the registration and management of the ship, the ship out of the port visa management, foreign ship management, ship maintenance management, technical ship management and ship away from the dock management.
The violation of ship management behaviour refers to the violation of ship management behaviour is summed up speaking sub-categories: acts in violation of the registration and management of the ship; foreign vessels in violation of management behaviour; violation of the export licensing management behaviour; behaviour of other violations of the management of the ship. Against the liability of ship, management is mainly written warnings, fines, and detention certificates.
Overview of the Ship Manager
Ship managers of the ship-owner or charterer, ship operator's entrusted people engaged in ship management (including the narrowly technical management of the ship, the ship business management, crew management, etc.) within the scope of authority, but such activities fees and the rights and obligations, the consequences by the ship-owner or chatterer, ship operator's bear. As long as the people who meet the above characteristics can be ship managers, ship managers based fiduciary relationship management.
Third-party Ship Management
The third-party ship management refers to the management of independent professional company in addition to the owner, chatterer of the ship. Its body through to provide ship-owners with one or more of professional ship management services to meet the needs of the owner entrusted the management of the ship , ship management purposes and certain management fees charged and other convention costs. The range of services, including the ship full technical management, crewing and management, maintenance and management of the ship, ship supply, marine insurance , ship leasing, ship trading, new ship construction supervision and other professional activities.
The third-party ship management companies are the inevitable product of the intense competition and the development of the international shipping market is mature. The development of the maritime industry has proposed more stringent requirements for ship construction, maritime security, as well as management level, which largely contributed to the market demand for third-party ship management.
Advantages of Third Party Ship Management:
Formalize the large-scale management. If my company has a strong professional technical force, strong maritime human resources management experience, advanced management concepts, give full play to the economies of scale, which can greatly reduce the cost of ship management and operating costs, the ship made the biggest hedge against inflation.
The owner (operator or investor) is extremely cumbersome and risky ship management freed focused on capital investment, asset management, business operations and marketing. Banks, shippers, real estate developers and other investors, these owners have the ship not to directly operate the ship, but the ship is entrusted to a professional company to business management or by time charter and bareboat chartered to collect rent to owner assets increase the value. The same time, with the economic development in recent years, many countries, including China, the emergence of new small ship-owners, select ...