Shell Organizational Theory

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The organization that I have selected to write this research paper is the Royal Dutch Shell Company. I would be discussing and evaluating the organizational theory of Shell around the globe. And will be discussing the various characteristics of organizational theory that the company embodies.

Organizational Theory

This paper is intended for to recognize the importance that organizations have multiple processes of everyday life. Organization Theory the field of human knowledge that deals with the study in a grouping of human beings: the organizations in general (Olson 2003 475). The Theory of Organization assumed to identify the man as a being who behaves on common sense or rationality in the search results satisfactory (administrative man). There is also a discipline economic man who is recognized as someone who also acts rationally but with a different orientation: seeks to maximize profit (Lemak 1997, 120).

The "theory" seeks to contribute to the rationality of administrative man either through training, motivation, motivation, or remaking or a modifying the schema or layout in which it operates, namely organization (Weick 1979, 54).

Values of the Organization

The basic values that the organization shares are that of team works. There is no concept of a boss. There are teams that are led by leaders who are experienced. Each team has some members who contribute to the task assigned to them. There are no special treatments like the autocratic organization. For example, the leader has to make his coffee from the machine that lies in the lobby of the floor and there are no lower staffs for such a job. No team leader is allowed to call a member through a phone call in his office but has to walk to address any issues. This kind of culture promotes equality and creates a comfortable zone for the entire workforce. On the other hand it encourages innovations as everyone is allowed to speak what they think is best for the organization (Ash 1992, 199).

The Organizational Structure, Complexity and Formalization

In any organized activity arises a division of labour and coordination of these tasks to get to the final. All this leads us to distribute, assign and coordinate tasks within the organization. There are three ways of understanding the structure of the organization (Pugh 1990, 129): • The set of all the ways in which work is divided into different areas, then the coordination of getting them. • Standard established relationships between the components of the organization. • Complex design submissions and other relationships within a group of human beings.

The Distribution of Power in Organizations

Power and Leadership

From the organizational point of view, power has been considered as a factor of central importance. Today it is recognized inherently relational nature. For Weber is the ability to get someone else to do what you want, even against their will (Weber 1948, 79).

Power and Authority

For Weber, authority is legitimate power, i.e. power is socially recognized as legitimate. The legitimacy of authority only means social acceptance of ...
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