Shell Oil Spill In Nigeria

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Shell Oil Spill in Nigeria

Shell Oil Spill in Nigeria

Introduction of Company

Shell is large international group that has global presence in more than 80 countries. Headquarter of the company is located in Hague, Netherlands and company conducts its business under the umbrella of Royal Dutch Shell Group - RDSG. It is also a fact that Shell is generally recognised as a giant share holder in the market of oil and gas where company accounts for the production of more than 3 million barrels oil in the industry (Shell At A Glance, 2012).

There is no doubt about the fact that Shell acts as a significant player in the industry and plays a major role in helping various nations across the world to meet their energy needs. It is also essential to discuss that company have huge oil reserves in different regions of the world. In addition, Oman, Nigeria, United Kingdom and United States are major sources of Crude oil for the company. This also enables Shell to gain a significant position not only in Europe but also in Asia and Africa. (Shell At A Glance, 2012). This paper aims to discuss the Shell oil spill that occurred in Nigeria and role of management to handle the situation.

Key Issues

Shell has a significant presence in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria where the oil spill occurred in 2008 near the town of Bodo. No doubt, Shell is also a largest oil company in Nigeria but unfortunately the company was part of the incident that resulted with a great loss of more than 1,600 barrels of oil. It is also important to know that company most of industry experts estimated believe that total loss or oil spill was 50 times higher than the figure given by Shell. The most important thing ...
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