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Quality Management in Shell United States

Quality Management in Shell United States


Shell is a group of pharmaceuticals and energy running in almost seventy countries with more then eighty seven thousand employees. Shell Oil Company is a partner 50/50 with the state oil company of Saudi Arabia Saudi Armco in Motiva Enterprises, a refining and marketing company that has set and operates three oil refineries on the U.S. Gulf coast. It also owns 80% of an exploration company called Pecten that explores various offshore locations including the oil basin near Douala, Cameroon, in cooperation with the French state-owned Elf Aquitaine. The headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, and Peter Voser is our General Manager. The parent company of the Shell group is Royal Dutch Shell plc, incorporated in England and Wales. In order to create a sustainable future for energy the company utilizes advanced technologies along with plenty of innovation in their strategies. Shell is a market leader through approximately 25 000 jobs branded gas in the United States, which also serves as a more visible presence to the public. The company never compromises on quality and commits to provide the finest products and services. Shell United States is a well known brand and realizes the matter of sustainability in future (


Quality Management (SUGANTHI, ANAND, SAMUEL, 2004, pp.17-21)

The matter of quality differs from individual to another individual but it precisely refers to the conforming to specifications. It relates to the fact that the product or service is provided on the basis of the established standards. Further more to the addition of quality refers to enchant the customer and go beyond their expectations. This is what is strictly practiced at Shell United States. Their administration and higher authorities ensure to stay dedicated and devoted towards providing extreme quality in their products and services. This is made possible because the manufacturers and the producers understand the detailing towards generating a product or service which is fit for the use of a targeted customer. Managing and maintaining quality in a long run can be pretty challenging at times but through the joint efforts of employees and management it can be made attainable (Curkovic, 2000, 885-902).

Quality Management in Shell United States (

Shell United States works in a very organized manner which enables them to achieve their targets and objectives quite easily. They initially set their objectives and standards on which they would be working. Secondly they establish advanced and realistic techniques to achieve those objectives. Eventually they measure their performances depending on the established standards which make the results transparent that are they performing as per quality standards. Commitment to quality at shell is all about satisfying its customers thoroughly. The quality standard followed at Shell is “ISO 9002 standard” which set standards for their manufacturing practices and compliance. Shell United States strictly follow quality standards referring to the controlling, manufacturing and processing of the raw material to the final and finished goods.

The shell laboratory is based on the quality standard of ISO/IEC ...
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