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Managing Human Capital

Table of Contents



Task One3

Atkinson's Flexible Firm3

HR Models & Shell5

Task Two7

Recruitment & Selection Process at Shell7

Task Three10

Shell's Approach to HRD10

Task Four12

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs theory 194313

Herzberg Two Factor Theory15

Theory X and Y by McGregor16

Task Five17

Change Management Report17



Managing Human Capital


This assignment discusses at length the various components of the enlisted five tasks that will help to identify and analyze the human capital management of the chosen organization. The company for analysis purposes is Shell Oil Company. Through answering each of the tasks, the discussion would highlight the different Human Resource's Models and their application to Shell, along with critically discussing their recruitment and selection process. Furthermore, Shell's Human Resource Development would also be discusses with possible recommendations proposed. In addition, the discussion would also incorporate core Human Resource concepts, such as the motivation theories and draw up its practical value in Shell. Lastly, the discipline of change management would too be discussed that will include any possible areas for Shell to change in its organization and how best it could achieve this change. Thus, this assignment not only draws and discusses in detail the various Human Resource concepts but will also critically analyze how Shell constitutes of the various attributes of these concepts.


To begin this section, it is only prudent that a brief background about the organization is discussed.

Shell Plc Ltd.

Shell is a global group operating in the petrochemical and energy sector. Although, the company parent headquarter is in Netherlands, but it has its locations in over eighty countries around the world. The company strives to deliver sustainable growth and competitive returns to all its stakeholders through its profitable growth and investment programmes. Meanwhile the company also ensures that it fulfils the high global energy demand in a responsible and ethical manner. Shell employs over ninety thousand personnel across its many global operating locations and boasts over forty three thousand Shell service stations around the world (

Human Resources Department at Shell

Shell boasts of a diverse and a central Human Resource Department which, as stated on its official corporate website, is responsible for efficiently managing and deploying the company's most valued resources, its employees. The HR department at Shell is involved in the recruitment, selection, training and development, and performance management of all Shell's employees. The company has a Central HR department which acts as a shared service of excellence for the entire company. This is a separate department other then the main HR department of the company, but works in close alliance with it in all its spheres. The purpose of creating a Central HR by the company is to deliver a seamless HR business function across the group globally. This Central Hr function also adds value to the HR management of Shell through designing and implementing policies, practices and processes that help achieve Shell's core objectives. This also includes devising and implementing of people's strategies to plan the future growth and objectives of the group that builds a culture that promotes synergy and helps achieve the company's goals and ...
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