Shaping The Organizational Culture

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Shaping The Organizational Culture

Shaping the Organizational Culture

Every organization has a culture which needs to be shaped and reshaped according to the specific requirement and changing environment. Shaping of an organization requires specific planning and strategies (Daft, 2009). Cultural shaping requires the understanding of the details of culture in the organization. The change in organizational culture is also quite evident in the customs and routines followed by the organizations (Buffett, 2007). In the completive environment of global business sustainability war, organizations struggle for their existence. It is the most important factor for organizations to keep changing and advancing according to the requirements of changing business world. One of the components of these strategic planning is the Action plan (Buffett, 2007). To incorporate a proper action plan there is need to follow complete pattern to ensure better results. It requires that a proper and detailed analysis of the organizational environment should be considered. It demands complete strategic planning and excellent leader ship qualities to incorporate these changes. One of the most common and prominent effect of these change is the organizational diversity which is mainly due to the effective and efficient executives. Reis also defined various methods and strategies to implement action plan in shaping the organizational culture (Reis, 2010).





It is for the requirement of proper shaping and advancement in the culture of organization and the need of the changing environment it is decided to bring improvement in organization. The task of changing the whole of culture of the organization is not one person's job but it requires participation in the change and development in the attitude and practices of every individual associated with the organization. For this purpose, the group is required to understand the concepts associated with the change in the environment and culture of the organization (Reis, 2010).

The group understood the objectives of the action plan moreover, the group identified the needs of setting the objectives and created the timelines and checkpoints. Furthermore the group assigned the responsibilities to the appropriate person (Dooris, et al., 2004). Definition and Purpose of an Action Plan

The group identified that the action plan is the proper planning and designing of the action for the tasks and objectives to be attained in the future. This plan consists of all the detailed information regarding the time management, execution plan, policies and tools required for this task. The group also identified that actions plans ...
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