Shadowing A Medical Laboratory Technician

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Shadowing a Medical Laboratory Technician

Shadowing of a Medical Laboratory Technician


A Medical Laboratory Technician's (MLT) performs his everyday jobs in all parts of a medical laboratory that includes blood collection and storage, chemistry, hematology, the immunology, histology including tissue cultures and microbiology including assays etc. An MLT has to carry out a complete variety of tests that are performed in a medical lab. The medical tests may include from a simplest blood test that is performed for the fetus blood to the complex most tests like for Diabetes, HIV and the cancer detections, and are responsible to provide the accurate results.

Having a chance to spend one day in a medical lab with an MLT, I observed that an MLT is performing every work that is happening in the lab. As per the MLT, they are busy from the very starting minute of their shift. In my observation, the part of the lab that was full of life with many MLTs, medical technologists, and lab subordinate all through the daytime. According to the MLT, their arrival in the early hour's arrival becomes an essentiality.

The MLT speaks that not a single minute that goes quiet during the night shifts even. The load of orders remains persistent throughout the night shift. The laboratory personnel have to walk to the wards to do a blood draw for any urgent test. The other staff is constantly managing the samples they have received for the tests, the samples including blood and the urine as well, the body fluid samples. The tests were covering both the inpatients as well as the outpatient's tests.

The MLT states that their key concern is to aid in achieving a good quality patient care through providing the tests results efficiently and in timely manner so that there must be no delay in making ...