Sexuality, Society And Self

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Sexuality, Society and Self

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Sexuality, Society and Self

Paper Objective

Man is a social being, and his habits, desires, hopes and fears are always influenced by the group to which he is born. The same goes for his sexual attitudes and behaviors.

People are born with the original ability for sexual expression, but this expression can take many different forms in a sexually repressive society. This can conceivably be best illustrated with the often-cited example of the language: All children are born with the inherent ability to speak, but they are not fixed from the outset to a language. Children to England learn English; children in China learn Chinese and so on. Some companies have learned, in addition to their original language, or different "secret language" for men and women, children, there also their gender appropriate language. When children have fortunate parents and righteous teachers, they can do it in the language to bring open championship. Children who are treated unfairly to learn their language behavior, principally to express aggression. Children, who feel loved and secure, can learn, however, to caress with words (Archard, 1984, pp. 51-54). This paper is based on the understading of human development of personality and societal influences which shapes this developmental process.

Sexuality and Society

Children learn to behave in a way suitable to their respective companies. They acquire, according to sex, certain characteristics considered masculine or feminine. In permissive parents can develop their seductive skills, while giving them a puritanical upbringing and perhaps guilt mediates blocked or hindered their sexual response. Frustrated children may learn to express their sexual behavior in aggression. Others who are more favored, their partners choose carefully and show them only love and tenderness. This comparison must be limited, however, not only on the individual level. Human sexuality and language are also comparable. Every linguist knows that express differing languages and differing world views. Each language paints the reality in other pictures and reflects a very special view of life (Gay, 1989, pp. 112-117).

This also applies to the basic attitudes toward sexuality. The sexual behavior of men and women does not only express their personal preferences, but reflects the basic values of their society or social group. How much might they differ from each other individually in a hedonistic, tolerant society, people can be free, contented and sensuous for their sexual desires and perceptions. In a puritanical and repressive society, they are more inclined to be fearful and inhibited. In the former case, sexuality is a source of joy, in the second case; it is frowned upon as shameful and repressed (Edgell, 2011, pp. 224-226). If we look at the sexual attitudes of people, so we have to deal with two different questions. We would not only ask: "To what extent does this man or this woman's sexual norms of his or her society?" But also: "What is the basis of these standards that society sees what the ultimate goal of nature', the true meaning of sexuality? This paper will go about understanding the theoretical perspectives on the human developmental process and the influence of society ...
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