Sexual Violence and Its Impact on Women & Children
Sexual Violence and Its Impact on Women & Children
Sexual violence may be defined as; any sexual work, uncalled sexual commentary or advances, against an individual by means of force, by any one despite their relationship to the victim, including but not limited to home and work. The act of violence can also occur when an individual is not able to give consent. For example, while drunk, under the influence of drugs, sleeping or mentally not capable of understanding the circumstances. Sexual aggression includes rape, which is defined by people as the physical use of force to penetrate the vulva or anus, by means of a penis or other body parts and objects. A failed attempt to commit the above is referred to as attempted rape. If by any means two or more persons are involved in the act, it is known as gang rape. Sexual extremism can include many other forms of assault, which may include a sexual organ, involving forced contact between the mouth and penis, vulva or anus.
Domestic violence is very harmful and costly with pervasive and prolonged impacts on the minds of victims, witnesses and the community at large. In the modern world, today sexual violence has become one of the biggest issues of the American society. In accumulation to the trauma suffered by the victims, sexual harassments tend to create health issues which last for a lifetime and shatter the lives of individuals, diminishing prospects for children in schooling age. The U.S is said to have made progress in the preceding few decades in tackling the violence. The work yet seems to be not done. There is a need for more efforts to be deployed to implement policies that would prevent such inhuman activities. These policies should include educating the next generation about the repercussions of violence, schooling more health care experts to assess victims of abuse, immediate establishment of workplace avoidance and victim support programs, and addressing concerns of all victims, whether local or immigrants who either experience or witness violence. Scully. D (1994)
Forms and contexts of sexual violence
Violence related to domestic and sexual acts may take many forms. Many cases have been reported with forms of violence differing, depending upon the age and relationship of the victim and perpetrator.
Frequency of Domestic and Sexual Violence in the United States
According to the estimates, at an average 3 women are murdered either by their husbands or boyfriends in the United States. The year 2005 statistics show one thousand one hundred and eighty one women were victims of domestic violence leading to death by an intimate partner. In the year 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published figures gathered in a survey conducted in 2005, reporting that women suffer more than 2 million injuries from violence at the hands of intimate partners every year. Statistics show that nearly one in four women across America experience some sort of sexual or domestic violence by a current or ex-husband or ...