Sexual Predator Prosecution

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Sexual Predator Prosecution

Sexual Predator Prosecution


Today we have discussed a number of important social issues that make up the bulk of the difficulties faced by today's boys, girls and their parents. This paper deals with one more plague, (Sex Predator) which we have already mentioned several times, without specifying its nature. In this paper we are going to focus on sexual predator prosecution in which we shall be focusing on various approaches adopted in Florida. Sexual assault as a form of human behavior has a double component of violence and sexuality in the same conduct. Traditionally it has been addressed from a perspective psychopathological phenomenon, considered within the perversions or sexual deviant behavior (Snyder, 2000). The development of trust is central to the strategies used by other predators such as physical closeness that opens the door to abuse by desensitizing the victim to sexual contact.

Florida law against Sexual Predator is effective from 1 July 1996, the Department of Law Enforcement Florida maintain a current list of sexual predators in this state after a court has drafted a judicial determination in writing that Predators designated as that term is defined in Florida law (Levenson, 2007). In Florida all those who qualify as predators or sex offenders must register in Florida. Failure to do so is considered a crime under the law of the third degree felony. Florida has developed offices to combat child sex Predator in Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Pensacola and Tallahassee. From these offices, a group of prosecutors, investigators and police officers are dedicated solely to tracking, and put behind bars sex offenders who use the Internet to catch their prey, usually children between 10 and 17 years.

Yes Florida has proper Law Enforcement Law against Sex offenders and predators. They have Florida Sexual Predators Act which was established in ...
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