Sexual Predator Prosecution

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Sexual Predator Prosecution

Sexual Predator Prosecution


This paper will discuss the predator laws of Alaska of the issue of child pornography.

On July 25, 2008, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that the Alaska Sex Offender Registration Act's registration requirement does not apply to persons who committed their crimes before the act became effective on August 10, 1994. Current efforts are focused on prosecuting those creating, distributing, and collecting child pornography, as well as requiring agencies and organizations receiving federal funds to block Internet access to sites considered obscene, harmful to minors, or hosting child pornography. On an international level, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution, and Child Pornography prohibits the sale of child pornography.

Although the United States has yet to ratify the principle Convention on the Rights of the Child, it ratified this Optional Protocol in December 2002. A large number of private, local, state, and federal organizations specifically target pornography as it relates to children and adolescents. These include the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection, the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Department of Justice, the Customs Service's CyberSmuggling Center and its Child Exploitation Unit, the FBI's Crimes Against Children program, the Innocent Images National Initiative, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In 1998, the United States Justice Department began the Internet Crimes against Children program, which provides "federal funds to state and local law-enforcement agencies to investigate computer-facilitated crimes against minors".

Types of crimes

Other than the online predator crime, the following are also categorized as sexual crimes:





stabbing in the buttocks or breast

burning, cutting


severe beatings


Many investigations have shown a high prevalence of Sexual and personal misuse amidst Sex offenders. Seventy per hundred of mature individual offenders describes that they had been bodily or ...
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