Sexual Predator Prosecution

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Sexual Predator Prosecution

Sexual Predator Prosecution


Sexual Predator stands to be interpreted as a derisive narration of any individual who tends to seek the sexual contact with the other person. Here, the term 'Predator', tends to be used as a metaphorical representation of the desire of that person who tends to have contact of a sexual nature with the other person. Sexual Predators tend to be termed, as those individuals who tend to explore or look out for such situations where they can fulfill their desire of having a sexual contact. Although the term, Sexual Predator might differ from state to state due to the nature of laws in the respective states. This is the primary reason which hinders the framing of a uniform law throughout the country in order to deal with such individuals.

As hinted that the definition regarding the sexual predator might vary, in some parts of the country for a person to be labeled as a sexual predator should have the history attached to him or her regarding the act of the same nature. Whereas, in some states the history is not an obligation for an individual to be termed as Sexual Predator (Ronald, 2011). In the course of this paper, we will be throwing light on some of the key issues relating to the concept of Sexual predator. However, light will also be thrown on the state of Florida approach in this regard.


Laws in the State of Florida

Today many states in the country tend to have framed laws in this regard to limit the actions of such individuals. As per the laws of the state of Florida an individual will qualify as a sexual predator if he or she stands convicted in this regard to have committed a crime of the foremost level(felony) or if he or she tends to commit the same crime two times but of the secondary level(felony). However, these laws stand to be termed effective after the October 1993. This means that a person can only be convicted on this ground if he or she has committed the crime after the cited date. The case of the person can also be revived if he or she stands convicted or released by the court in the time limit of 10 years.

New residents in the state of Florida tend to go through a legal process which is binding for all the citizens of that state in order to be framed as sexual predators. The state of Florida does have the mechanism where the system tends to register those individuals who stand to be involved in such activities in the past. The database developed is thus available for the public to utilize it only in the constructive manner (Ronald, 2011).However; the law of the state of Florida in this regard tends to draw a clear line between the sexual offenders and sexual predators.


As per the law punishments tend to differ according to the level of the crime committed and its potential ...
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