Sexual Harassment

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Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is now understood as a social problem embedded in notions of intimidation and power between individuals in the workplace. These defining characteristics properly frame sexual harassment outside of any discussion of innocent misunderstanding, misplaced expressions of attraction, or simple gender differences. In the earliest articulations of sexual harassment, before a definitive legal standard was set in the mid-1980s, incidents of sexual harassment were most often described in terms of the power differences attributed to males and females in the public sphere of the labor market as well as the domestic sphere of home and hearth. Within this theoretical frame, sexual harassment most often becomes an issue whenever a woman's work is adversely impacted by employers, co-workers, or even subordinates who inappropriately regard her as an object of sexual attention rather than a colleague in the workplace. The study of sexual harassment from a social science or humanities standpoint tends to differ from the legal standpoint because of these particular details. The issues of accountability and personal agency differ across these fields, and the consequences under the law are much more concrete in application, certainly, than the more philosophical-oriented discourses often found in purely academic literature and research. Nonetheless, sexual harassment continues to be largely defined and understood as an issue of discrimination of men toward women, and under the law, it is, more often than not, interpreted using male experience as a reference (Baird, 1995).

Quid Pro Quo (Vicarious liability)

Vicarious liability is 1) the right to recover unearned duty from another responsible person if the first person cannot make it, and 2) the additional responsibilities imposed on the members, for example, a general partnership, jointly and severally liable, at a time when the main respondent is unable to pay the debt. The Russian civil law, vicarious liability is additional to the responsibility which is the main perpetrator to the victim. It is designed to complement its responsibility, strengthening protection of the interests of the victim. At the same person responsible for this additional responsibility, not necessarily the property damage caused to the victim and in many cases did not commit any offenses (for example, the surety, subsidiary is responsible for the debtor in cases under Art. 363 CC). This is where the focus of a compensatory liability that determines its specificity

Defining Workplace Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of sex discrimination that is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Applying to employers who have 15 or more employees, the federal government, employment agencies, and labor organizations, it protects employees from sexual harassment. According to federal law (CFR 1604.11), the definition of sexual harassment is Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as ...
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