Sexual Exploitation

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A critical exploration and analysis of the risk of sexual exploitation for children in Africa and England

A critical exploration and analysis of the risk of sexual exploitation for children in Africa and England

Definition of Sexual exploitation

The concept of sexual exploitation is not new in the recent era. It is evident from the quote of Thomas Barnardo (1889) that the saddest of all the cases in the child rescue are the ones that are associated with the young girls who possess the conditions of being in a grave, they are often near to the moral peril and the worse of the condition is that they are high in numbers. The late 1980s shows a wide picture of the issues pertaining to the children Sexual exploitation who were prosecuted in a regular manner in order to solicit them for prostitution. The first organization that responded to the issue was Barnardos that identified the reason of the regular prosecution of the children that was being held for the prostitution or Sexual exploitation of the children. The involvement of a young person either male or female or a child who is below 18 years of age into a kind of sexual activity that harms them physically or psychologically against the cash or remuneration of some kind is called as Sexual exploitation. These young people or children are being transferred from one person to another and form that person to a third person or the cycle could go on until the victims are sexually exploited. The perpetrator tend to have a control and power over the victims due to the presence of any or all of the following factors that make them superior over them including age, gender, emotional maturity, intellect and physical strength. Sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of young people and children is a widely growing issue in many societies. The children and young people or females are exchanged for some kind of sexual acts against the food, shelter, drugs, protection or other basic needs of life by several people. These victims are then involved in the pornography and they are used for gaining businesses. Several terms defines the phenomenon of sexual exploitation such as youth sex trade or child prostitution. It is obvious that the sexual exploitation is done for the sake of money or some kind of monetary benefit that is being gained from the exploitation of the children or youth usually under 18 years of age.

Sexual exploitation in Africa

The southern and eastern parts of African region have a high number of children who are being involved in child labour and sexual exploitation all over t he world. According to the statistics of UNICEF (2013) around 36 % of all the children in Africa between the ages 5 to 14years are involved in child labour. In Ethiopia the number increases to around 53 %. The increasing child labour in Africa is a cause of commercial sexual exploitation in the country. The sexual exploitations are considered to a hazardous form ...
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