Sexual Discrimination

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Sexual Discrimination


The world in which we live to today claims to be modern and advanced. But, still there are few ideas and notions that should have jettisoned years back are still prevalent in today's society. One such phenomenon is of gender discrimination. Stereotyping related to the gender roles can still be observed in this contemporary society around us in more than one ways. The people around us and the people of our society claims that the society has moved ahead and adopted the belief of equality of men and women in our society, outdated ideas about the gender related roles still exists in our society. If we talk about the social discrimination against sex and gender then it would take decades to discuss this issue and despite that one would not be able to reach to a conclusion. This is because this topic is so diverse and broad. Social discrimination involves a number of grounds. In a society, gender discrimination can be done in health sector, gender discrimination can be done in workplace settings, gender discrimination can be done in the field of television and media, gender discrimination can be done in the field of education. Hence, there are scores of ways through which gender discrimination can be taken place. In past and even today sexual discrimination is one of the most intriguing topics that is selected by the researchers. There are a number of perspectives through which the issue of sexual discrimination can be discussed. The aim and objective of this paper is also to discuss the issue of sexual discrimination from a particular perspective.

The Main Issue

Sex discrimination is said to be discriminating an employee on the basis of sex by not giving an opportunity which employee might deserve just because of gender. It is against the law for someone you work for to treat you unfairly because of your sex (or gender). Sex discrimination means differential treatment because of sex (Kalev, pp. 34). In recent years we have seen an increasing incorporation of women in society and this is due to their desire to participate equally in decision-making centers in the labor market, education and politics. Sexual discrimination at workplace can be practiced in following ways:

Direct Discrimination

Direct discrimination is less favorable treatment a person can receive on grounds of sex in relation to another person of the opposite sex and, especially, the treatment disadvantageous to women because of pregnancy or maternity (Kalev, pp. 34).

Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination is the situation, provision, criterion or practice neutral that puts people at a disadvantage by reason of sex, unless objectively justified by a legitimate aim. Also be considered sex discrimination or any adverse treatment effect negative occur in a person as a result of their claims, complaints or demands to prevent discrimination and enforce the principle of effective equal treatment between women and men (Kalev, pp. 34).


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