Sexual Abuse

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Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse occurs when anyone behaves, or makes you behave, in a sexual manner that hurts you or makes you scared or uncomfortable. Normally, this abuse falls into one of three broad categories: rape/sexual assault, sexual harassment, and incest. For the purpose of this paper, I'll refer to sexual abuse as acts where a dominant adult forces or coerces a child into sexual activity. In the United States, one in every three or four girls and one out of every seven boys is sexually abused or molested as they grow up. Victims are distributed evenly among cultural groups, and the vast majority of abusers are white, heterosexual males.

Child sexual abuse can be defined as activities aimed at providing sexual pleasure, stimulation or sexual gratification to an adult who used to do a / a child, using their position of superiority. It also considers that there is sexual abuse when the circumstances of asymmetry: (a) age between victim and offender, (b) power, when the abuser has some authority over the victim, (c) of expertise or skills, when the abuser uses his cunning and manipulative skills, and (d) of gratification, when pressed to the child in subtle ways (gifts, trips, etc..) consents to the abuse.

The sexual abuse of a child is a hidden problem, and that is the reason for the difficulty in estimating the number of people who have been subjected to some form of sexual abuse in childhood. Children and adults alike are often a lot of reluctance to report allegations of sexual abuse, for many reasons may be the most important secret traditional sense of shame stemming from the usually inherent to such painful experiences. Among other reasons related ratios that may link the sexual aggressor and the victim then the desire to be protected from prosecution or scandal that may entail benefit guilt (Ainscough, 2000). Finally, the fact is that most of the victims are young and financially dependent on their parents play a major role also in the secrecy surrounding this issue. Most experts believe that sexual assault is the least of assault or abuse vulnerable because of the secrecy or "conspiracy of silence" that has overcome this kind of issues.

For all these reasons and others, studies have shown that most of the victims are always children do not disclose the secret of being subjected to sexual abuse. Even when they do, they may face additional obstacles. The same causes that make children hide their plight is what makes most families do not seek to obtain external support to solve this problem, and even when they do, they may also face additional difficulties in obtaining adequate support.

The most common symptoms of sexual abuse are sometimes physical signs such as pain, itching, sores or irritations in the genital or anal area and almost always in the psychological aspect, there are behavioral changes, such as: restlessness, nightmares, changes in the rate normally eat or go to the bathroom, refusal to touch the opposite sex or ...
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