Sex Offender Treatment Planning

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Sex Offender Treatment Planning

Sex Offender Treatment Planning


In the current era, several sex offense cases can be observed around the whole world. According to the law of United States, the sex offense is considered as the severe crimes that may significantly affect the entire society. Several reasons are related with the disorder which may lead an individual to the sex abuse. The effective and appropriate treatment and therapy sessions may significantly help the individual to get rid of this disorder. The given case history shows the psychological disorder to the person, named as Donald (CASOMB, 2012).

Donald is a 42 year old man who committed the crime of sex abuse to the child of age under fourteen. The department named as, parole, and supervised him in order to help him in get ridding of his problem while completing the treatment program of sex offender. He grew up in an ordinary family. He did not get enough education due to lack of his learning capabilities. During his early ages he faced low self esteem and emotional disorder. His mother was a drug abuser. At the age of six he complained his mother that his cousin engaged him in mutual masturbation. After some of the years, he got engaged in the inappropriate sexual relationships with the boys of his school, where he was doing a job of gatekeeper. He has been married two times and both of his marriages got unsuccessful. The son of his second wife complained his mother that, Donald touches the private parts of the body. After this, he got arrested due to his cruel behavior. During the time period of imprisonment, he did not get any treatment or therapy for his sexual offense.

The above discussed case history shows that Donald had a serious issue of psychological disorder that led them to the sexual offense. Proper treatment and therapies may significantly help Donald to avoid this disorder in the future years. For this purpose, the proceeding discussion incorporates the treatment plan for Donald. The discussion also includes the risk factors and recommendations for the treatment of Donald. The effective tool of examination, like penile plethysmograph, in order to examine the disorder of the patient, is also included in the proceeding paper. Furthermore, an ethical consideration of the treatment, conflicts and issues that may occur during the process of treatment is also incorporated in the proceeding paper (CASOMB, 2012).


Treatment Plan for Sexual Offender, Donald

The treatment of the sex offender is considered as the most important steps of enhancing and ensuring the safety of the society. The treatment may significantly help offender to get rid of his disorder. Recent researches and surveys shows that, the treatment plans for the sex offenders, during their imprisonment may allow them to get therapies, education and employment training so that, after the imprisonment, they can lead their lives in a more health manner. The DSM-IV diagnostic may greatly help the treatment providers to diagnose and treat the patients. The DSM-IV is briefly elaborated in the ...
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