Sex, Gender And Sex Roles

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Sex, Gender and Sex Roles

Sex, Gender and Sex Roles


Numerous scholars have dedicated their studies for the identification and development of children. However, there are limited amount of credible studies available explaining in detail the process of child development. The work of Denise A. Boyd and Helen L. Bee in “The Developing Child” has been recognized as the most important compilation and analysis of development of child. The book is considered important as it specifies the early phase of development and its associated factors in children. In relation to this, the following paper is going to present a critical summary of the chapter 10 of the book, which comprehensively discuss about the development of sex, gender and sex roles in children.

Summarized Discussion

The chapter begin with explanation of the concept of self from the viewpoint of children, what is it, why it is important and what role it has to play in human life? Self concept introduced to the philosophy of the Saint Augustine to determine the confidence of its own existence. The basis of the self is not the body but the soul; hence the expression of the will of the self is open. In psychoanalysis Freud's self is defined as thin, conscious and intelligent being on the surface of the depths of the unconscious. The purpose of regulation is self effects on personality. The chapter also explains about the development of self, subjective self, emotional self and self-concept at school age. The development of self in a child is a complex process, which has been explained comprehensively. The development of self in a child begins when he was born, which was followed and influenced by surroundings and upbringing. However, another major influence of self development happens at school age, when a child enters into a complete new world.

Self-development is a big topic and in this summary, only scratch of the surface what authors have written can be provided. Self-development is to turn inward and understand itself in a child. To develop an awareness of one's own self development begins at childhood, as specified by the authors which carried on later. However, self development during childhood helps prevailing the feeling of comfort and satisfaction. Self-development is to understand oneself in relation to others. The authors discussed that self development during childhood helps to understand how to behave, think, say and feel with others. How one's relationship ...
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