Sex Education In Schools

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Sex education should be conducted in schools

Sex education should be taught in every public school possible, to curb the problem of teen pregnancy. Sex education is a program designed to teach students the process an individual takes throughout life, including information about forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about identity, relationships, and intimacy. Most goals of sex education classes are the prevention of teen pregnancy, HIV Aids, etc. There are four main goals of sex education, according to National Guidelines Task Force, i.e. to provide accurate information about human sexuality, to provide an opportunity for young people to develop and understand their values, attitudes, and beliefs about sexuality, to help young people develop interpersonal skills and to help young people apply responsibility of sexual relationships.

It has been seen that some parents feel as though they cannot approach their children about this topic. They never teach them the details about sexual relationships and leave this task up to the schools. Sex education can teach people of all ages the consequences and responsibilities of engaging in sexual activities, and can help them avoid the problem as teen pregnancy, etc. (Duran, 2003) My 1st experience of a teen mom was when I was 16 and my mother or parents never spoke to me about sex or anything to that effect. My mom was also 40 years older than me, but still she never taught me about this subject. I was so naïve at that time that I thought that I could not have children because I did not get pregnant the first time I had sex, with someone. I thought I was smart enough to handle a child because I was 16 at that age and passed the high school, and at that time girls at the age of 13 were getting pregnant.

Without having, a course in sex education teens will not be aware about human sexuality, which is something that all teenagers should know. It is essential that students have knowledge so that they can develop self-esteem and goals for their future life, which is also involved in a sexual education course. If students do not have self-esteem, then they consider themselves to be minor as compared to their peers, and believe that they do not have in them to enjoy sex. Sex education courses do not teach students to have sex; it prepares ...
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