Sex Education In Schools

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Sex Education in Schools


The standard program of sex education should be combined in a comprehensive way that communication with the provision of knowledge, allow young people a positive and responsible approach to their own sexuality. It is important for young people to acquire communication skills, assertive behavior, and responsible decision-making. Promotion of these skills involves the building and strengthening of individual self-esteem and awareness of their rights (American School Board Journal, p.9).

The school is of course only part of a system of formative attitudes of children and adolescents. However, it can have a positive impact on the relationship between people and social phenomena such as too early parenthood, infection, sexually transmitted diseases, violence against girls and women. A properly conducted sexual education in school allows young people in a positive way to approach their own sexuality, increases the chances of creating a happy union (Hymowitz, p. 3).

Sexuality is an integral sphere of human life. Sometimes it is a very important source of energy, pleasure and happiness, but also fears, complexes and frustration. People's attitudes toward sex and their sexuality are shaped by culture (Ojeda, p.23). Pregnancy so its prejudices, not always justified fears and prejudices. The result is often a sense of guilt, inability to create a good relationship. Sex education classes are an opportunity to rebut many of the myths and clarify doubts. They can help young people understand and accept the processes taking place in the physical and mental health. Children can provide reliable information in a manner appropriate to their age and the possibility of understanding (Bailey, p.95).


There are several people who are confident and open evangelist of communication the right thing to the children. Communitarianism, one of the social movements endorsed by Amitai Etzioni, stands on the unshaken fundamental that the teaching of beliefs, norms and values are the components of the proper role, which should be present in the schools. He further elaborates that the sex education needs a wider scope of treatment of intimacy, family life as well as interpersonal relations. It is irrational to just leave these responsibilities to the parents, as not all the parent are dedicated or able to give time to their children for educating them on these issue. Therefore it is time for schools to supplement parental schooling and step in where parents were not present or otherwise contributions, made by them, were inadequate. Education for intimacy has to occur in a wide perspective that include debate of human nature and an assessment of human being as social creature that requires one another and who have transcendental need for sense and moral value (Etzioni, p.20).

Sex Education has become an important part of the social studies class. The curriculum of social studies is incomplete without the sex education. However, these lessons are not practical but they are providing increased awareness of sexuality among the children that is providing positive change in the students. According to the study of Michener, James, sex education is required to be incorporated with the ...
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