Setting Up School For A Students With Autism

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Setting up School for a Students with Autism

Setting up School for a Students with Autism


The discoverer of this syndrome was Leo Kanner (Austrian psychiatrist) in 1943, following an investigation that studied the cases of 11 children who showed the particularity of a strange isolation as early as was the first year of life. In this syndrome discovered several distinctive features, including the lack of association of these children with those who were around him. Importantly, this syndrome has no cure, accompany the child throughout his life, and that the signs of this developmental disorder in 70 or 75% of cases are accompanied by mental retardation important or not (Boyd, & Corley, 2001).


One of the features that this syndrome occurs is the deficiency in the language, there is repeated echolalia, pronoun inverted clichés and severe cases can be observed absence of language. Autism is the syndrome of the stability of the environment, meaning they have a mental structure that super anxious and annoyed with all the changes made to them their routines. It is possible that if a child with autism created the habit of eating with the red shirt, do not eat with any other shirt than the one used in the ritual. Another hallmark of these children is to perform repetitive motions such as clapping, flapping and rocking in stereotyped form. Moreover, it is to clarify these concepts we will quote the article teaching guidelines for providing education to students with autism (Stone, & Yoder, 2001).

Moreover, talking about children with autism are aggressive or beat senseless, it is important to note that this is not true, surely these children want to communicate in a way that we do not understand, do not hit by evil but by something we are doing, surely unintentionally upset and disturbed that only which is very difficult to decode their intentions and takes years of living together. The most notable feature of autism, as we have said, is the limited social interaction, relate better to things than people, and have, in some cases very different ways of expressing their emotions. These people seem to be immersed in their own world, a world where communication with others seems to be important. This behavior is due to an inability to communicate with others, as well as various language difficulties: more than 50 percent have no verbal language (according to studies) and other mechanically repeat words, songs or tunes that they caught his attention (Boyd, & Corley, 2001).

The problem of child autism study is important in various western countries, USA, and some eastern countries. Over the past decade it has become increasingly urgent. The history of autism has for decades even 60 years ago, L. Kanner brought early infantile autism (R.D.A.) as a distinct clinical syndrome. To date, autism is seen as a distortion of mental development, due to deficiency of a biological central nervous system of the child (Stone, & Yoder, 2001).

However, to address the above, as well as certain other abnormalities we can ...
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